Patrizia Staffiero

Patrizia Staffiero is Professor of Style, Art History, and Costume (ABST 47) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce.
Phd Board

She obtained her PhD. in “Comparative Art History of Mediterranean Countries from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Era”- XIV cycle, with honors and the dignity of publishing her doctoral thesis at the University of Lecce. She worked as a research fellow in the Academic Discipline L-ART/02 during the academic years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 at the University of Lecce. She graduated with honors and the dignity of publishing her thesis in “Conservation of Cultural Heritage” at the University of Lecce. She completed a second-level university Master’s Degree in “Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” at the ISUFI-Settore Beni Culturali Graduate School of the University of Salento. She obtained a two-year diploma in “Archivistica, Paleografia e Diplomatica” at the Archivio di Stato of Bari. She served as a Scholar Associate at the Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities in Los Angeles. She had a collaboration and research contract with the Center of Excellence at the University of Perugia. Since 2006, she has been a Professor of Art History at the State Academies of Naples and Lecce. Since 2020, she has been delegated by the Director for public relations, organizational and managerial support, promotion of network agreements with other institutions, library representative, student commission inquiries, and tutoring service. Since 2021, she has been a member of the Academic Council.

In addition to her teaching activities at universities and academies, she has devoted herself to the knowledge, protection, and enhancement of secular and religious artistic and cultural heritage. She catalogued artistic goods in churches and parishes for the C.E.I. She worked on the development of the project for the “Planning and Management of Protected Areas” for the Province of Lecce, Environmental Department. She collaborated with the Puglia Region and the University of Bari on projects aimed at the knowledge, enhancement, and protection of the artistic and cultural heritage of Southern Italy. She organized and coordinated events with A.D.S.I. Puglia. Since May 2012, she has been a member of the board of the Centro di Studi sulla Civiltà Artistica dell’Italia Meridionale “Giovanni Previtali”, of which she is also a founding member. Since July 2013, she has served as an Expert Witness (C.T.U.) of the Court of Lecce as an art historian expert in cultural heritage. Since April 2021, she has been a member of the board of the Associazione nazionale per l’alta formazione artistica musicale e coreutica (A.N.D.A).



Main research expertise

Sculpture history; iconography, iconology, and attribution methods; restoration history; art criticism history and methodology; exhibition space design; enhancement of artistic and cultural heritage; relationships between art and territory.

Coordination of national and international research projects

Member of the committee, board of directors, and founding member of the Associazione del Centro di Studi sulla civiltà artistica dell’Italia meridionale “Giovanni Previtali”; Concept, writing, and supervision of the Research Project “60+” (Regional contribution granted to the Accademia di Belle Arti of Lecce – €100,000 /2021); MUR Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca: Ministerial call for the National Arts Award (XVI edition); MUR Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Department of the Politiche Europee della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) – National call “University 4EU – Il tuo futuro, la nostra Europa” with a ministerial contribution of €4,000 (direction of the project).

Direction or participation in editorial committees and editorial magazines and series

Membro od the editorial board of the journal: “Zeusi. Linguaggi contemporanei di sempre”, Arte’m.

Contract teaching in the field of “Methodology of Art History” at the University of Lecce during the academic year 2002/2003.

Teaching or research fellowships granted by qualified universities or foreign or supranational research centers
  • Adjunct Professor in the field of “Methodology of Art History” at the University of Lecce during the Academic Year 2002/2003.
  • Adjunct Professor in the field of “Methodology of Art History” at the University of Lecce during the Academic Year 2004.
  • Collaboration and research for the LLP-Program Erasmus at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain and the University of Art in Cluj, Romania.
  • Organization of seminars on the historical, theoretical, and methodological aspects of Art History, aimed at understanding and exploring the changes in the historical-critical processes of the visual arts. These seminars were conducted for the Centro di Eccellenza of the University of Perugia and the Department of Cultural Heritage and Languages at the University of Bari as part of the teaching activities of the PhD program in “Storia dell’Arte Comparata, Civiltà e Culture dei Paesi Mediterranei”.
Selected recents publications: articles in peer-reviewed journals

Fatimah e le altre, in “Zeusi. Linguaggi contemporanei di sempre”, rivista dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, VII, 13-14, Arte’m Editore, Napoli 2021, pp.140-145, ISBN 978-88-569-0850-3.

Musei in transito, in “Zeusi. Linguaggi contemporanei di sempre”, rivista dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, Arte’m Editore, Napoli 2019, pp.122-125, ISBN 978-88-569-0706-3.

Curatrice del catalogo unhabitus. FormAzioni rigenerative, collezione di abiti, accessori e gioielli realizzati per il progetto della scuola di Fashion design dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli in partenariato con la Fondazione del Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli, Alfagrafica Editore, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio 2019, ISBN 978-88-944699-0-5.

Una collezione per il Teatro di San Carlo, in unhabitus…cit., pp. 20-22; Conversazione con Giusi Giustino, in unhabitus…cit., pp.23-25.

Germinazioni IVª.0, in Incipit. Rete di esposizioni tra Accademia e Territorio,pp. 81-110, Edifir Edizioni, Firenze 2018, ISBN 978-88-7970-896-8.

Ricomincio da te. Conversazione su Vincenzo Ciardo pittore di paesaggio, in “ABA Lecce. Quaderno dell’Accademia di Belle Arti”, Lecce 2017, pp. 66-77, Bandecchi e Vivaldi, Pontedera 2017, ISBN 978-88-97895-07-7.

Conversazioni in Accademia. Appuntamenti con l’arte e la critica d’arte a Lecce, in “ABA Lecce. Bollettino dell’Accademia di Belle Arti”, Lecce 2014, pp. 82-88, ISBN 978-88-9828-929-5.

L’immagine di Sant’Oronzo nella produzione artistica pugliese tra Barocco e Rococò pittura, scultura e arti minori), in Le Vie Oronziane. I segni diSant’Oronzo nel Mediterraneo, Edizioni “Il Paese” magazine, periodico di informazione e cultura, Editore Stampa Sud, Taranto, pp.30-34.

Selected recents publications: book chapters

Vescovi, “visioni” e artisti seicenteschi in Terra d’Otranto, in Collection de Histoire de l’Art, 6, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi di Girona (25-26 febbraio 2011) a cura di Julien Lugand, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan 2014, pp. 1-15, ISBN 978-2-35412-182-2.

Da Napoli a Montemurro: Matteo Mollica in un ‘convento della montagna’, in “Kronos” 15, L’arte di studiare l’arte. Scritti degli amici di Regina Poso, I, Periodico del Dipartimento dei Beni delle Arti e della Storia dell’Università del Salento, Congedo Editore, Galatina 2013, pp.197-204, ISBN 978-88-676-605- 4-4.

Alcune precisazioni e un’aggiunta alla scultura lignea napoletana di primo Seicento, in “Kronos” 13, Scritti in onore di Francesco Abbate, I, Periodico del Dipartimento dei Beni delle Arti e della Storia dell’Università del Salento, Congedo Editore, Galatina 2009, pp.185-190, ISBN 978-88-808-688-4-2.

Modelli di decorazione a ‘estofado’ nella scultura lignea napoletana tra Cinquecento e Seicento, in R. Casciaro (a cura di), La statua e la sua pelle. Artifici tecnici nella scultura dipinta tra Rinascimento e Barocco, Atti del Seminario Internazionale di Studi (Lecce 25-26 maggio 2007), Congedo Editore, Galatina 2007, pp.153-176, ISBN 978-880-867-53-1.


Afam institutions’ teaching fellowships
  • Professor of Art History at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Lecce and Naples, teaching in the field of Art History, specifically in the ABST47 academic discipline (formerly G060).
  • Courses: Methodology of Art History, History and Methodology of Art Critics, and Exhibition Design. For the biennial habilitation courses of the second level with a didactic focus (COBASLID and COBISLID), she has taught: History of Art Techniques; Iconography; Iconology; and Methods of Attribution; Art History of Puglia; History of Modern and Contemporary Sculpture; Art Education; Methods and Tools of Art History; History of Modern and Contemporary Art, and Anatomy of the Image.
National and international research projects

National Art Award (16th edition), Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca-Direzione Generale degli Ordinamenti della Formazione superiore e del Diritto allo studio.

National and/or International competitions won or ranked high
  • Habilitation for the teaching of “Art History” (class A061) in Secondary Schools and Public Institutes.
  • Three-year PhD scholarship for the Research in “Comparative Art History of Mediterranean Countries from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era” (XIV cycle).
  • Research fellowship in the academic discipline L-ART/02 granted by the University of Lecce for the academic year 2003/2004 and 2004/2005.
  • Second-level University Master’s Degree in “Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale” (P.I.T. 9.1), at the ISUFI Graduate School – Cultural Heritage Sector of the University of Salento: scholarship granted by the European Social Fund (F.S.E.) of the Ministero del Lavoro e della Regione Puglia (P.I.T. 7, 8, and 9 – POR Puglia 2000-2006).
  • National ranking for the teaching of Style, Art History, and Costume. Academic discipline: ABST 46 (former G060).
Exhibition organization
  • Organization and coordination of the 16th edition of the National Arts Award, organized by MUR, Lecce (2022/2023).
  • Participation in the organization of the international exhibition “Piccolo mare” promoted by Galeria Harabel and Galeria Fab, in collaboration with the University of Arts in Tirana, Albania (2023).
  • Organization of the first and second editions of the Lecce Literature Festival (2022-2023).
  • Organization of the exhibition “Beauty Amid War” by Fatimah Hossaini at Palazzo Granafei Nervegna, under the patronage of the Municipality of Brindisi (2022).
  • Concept and organization of the “Open Art” exhibition featuring the young artists Kristina Alpatova, Anastasiia Artiukhina, and Aida Dzhafarova at the MUST OFF GALLERY-Historical Museum of the City of Lecce, with the support of the Municipality of Lecce (2022).
  • Concept and organization of the “FACULTY EXHIBITION”; an exhibition of the works of professors and students of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Lecce (2021).
  • Concept and organization of the exhibition “60+/ArtOff,” in collaboration with the Otranto Film Festival (12th edition), under the patronage of the Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo of the Municipality of Otranto. The project was funded by the Apulia Film Commission, Apulia Cinefestival Network, European Union, Region of Puglia, and Municipality of Otranto (2021).
Collaboration or consultancy for foundations, theaters, publishing houses, broadcasting organizations, and artistic and cultural production entities

She has collaborated to the organization and coordination of events and exhibitions with the University of Milan and the San Carlo Theater in Naples.

Direction of Associations, Foundations, and Production Entities, Active in the Artistic or Cultural Field

Member of the board of the Associazione del Centro di Studi sulla civiltà artistica dell’Italia meridionale “Giovanni Previtali”; member of the board of the national association of AFAM professors.

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