Gianluca Capurso

Assistant Professor (art. 24, paragraph 3 (letter b), Law 240/2010) for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR / 10 - Technical Architecture

Gianluca Capurso is Assistant Professor (art. 24, paragraph 3 (letter b), Law 240/2010) for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR / 10 – Technical Architecture, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, from April 2022.

He teaches Technology of Constructive Elements for the Degree Course in Engineering and Building Techniques and the course of Technology of Constructive Elements + Laboratory for the Degree Course in Building Engineering – Architecture at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

He holds a PhD in “Building Engineering: Architecture and Construction” from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Since 2005, he has participated in the “Architecture and Construction” research group coordinated by Prof. Sergio Poretti, focusing his studies on the relationship between structure and architectural language in Italy in the second half of the 20th century. In the same group, he is involved in projects aimed at the conservation of modern Italian architecture.

Since 2012 he has been a senior researcher in the research project SIXXI (XX Century Structural Engineering: The Italian Contribution. ERC Advanced Grant 2011, PI: Prof. Sergio Poretti, Tullia Iori), in progress at the same University, in which he deals with the modernization of construction techniques and structural calculations, also in relation to the socio-economic transformations of the country after the economic boom.

Since 2005, he has been involved in teaching courses in Technical Architecture and Architectural Construction (ssd ICAR/10 – Technical Architecture) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

In 2020, he was awarded the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor, for Competition Sector 08/C1 – Design and Technological Planning of Architecture.



History and Conservation of Built Heritage
Main research expertise

Storia della Costruzione dell’architettura italiana del Novecento.
Storia dell’ingegneria strutturale.

Direction or participation in editorial committees and editorial magazines and series

Membro del comitato scientifico della rivista “L’Industria italiana del cemento”.

Selected recent publications: monographs

G. Capurso, Struttura e architettura. Indagini sul dopoguerra italiano, Gangemi, Roma 2020.

Selected recents publications: articles in peer-reviewed journals

G. Capurso, G. Paparella, Costruire additivo e digitale: il futuro dell′architettura e dell′ingegneria | Additive and Digital Building: the Future of Architecture and Engineering?, «Rassegna di Architettura e urbanistica », 168, 2022, pp. 91-104.

G. Capurso , F. Martire, Il suono del cemento sulla Grande Muraglia. The Chapel of Sound, Jinshanling, Chengde, Cina, «Industria italiana del cemento», 856, 2022, pp. 64-69.

G. Capurso, La struttura nella costruzione dell’architettura in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra (1945-1970), «Arketipo», 10, 2021, pp. 94-101.

G. Capurso, T. Iori, C. Di Pietro, Le imprese di costruzioni italiane: una storia tutta da scrivere, «L’Industria delle Costruzioni», 477, gennaio-febbraio 2021, pp. 4-13.

G. Capurso, F. Martire, Designed for machines. Italian bridges and viaducts (1965-1990), «TEMA. Technologies Engineering Materials Architecture», 2, 2020, pp. 42-51.

G. Capurso, Italian style skyscrapers. High-rise construction in the fifties and sixties, «Informes de la Construcción», Vol. 72, 558, 2020.

Selected recents publications: book chapters

G. Capurso, F. Martire, Biografia di Sergio Musmeci, in C. Zhara Buda, L’archivio Sergio Musmeci nelle collezioni del MAXXI. Edizioni MAXXI, Roma 2022, pp. 286-291.

G. Capurso (con F. Martire), Ingegneria da esportazione. Le imprese di costruzioni italiane all’estero nella seconda metà del Novecento, in E. Dassori, R. Morbiducci (a cura di), Colloqui.A.Te 2022. Memoria e Innovazione. Memory and Innovation. Atti del Congresso, Genova – 7-10 settembre 2022, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone 2022, pp. 241-252.

G. Capurso, F. Martire, Ingegneria visionaria tra utopia e futurismo. Strutture italiane all’estero, in E. Sicignano (a cura di), Colloqui.A.Te 2021. Progetto e Costruzione Tradizione ed innovazione nella pratica dell’architettura, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone 2021, pp. 388-400.

G. Capurso, F. Martire, L’ingegneria Made in Italy alla conquista del mondo?, in S. Poretti, T. Iori (a cura di ), Storia dell’ingegneria strutturale in Italia. SIXXI 5, Gangemi, Roma 2020, pp. 96-113.

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