Dalma Frascarelli

Professor of Style, Art History and Costume (ABST 47)
Phd Board

Dalma Frascarelli is Professor of Style, Art History and Costume (ABST 47) at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome.

She obtained her Degree, Specialization, and PhD in Art History from Sapienza University of Rome. Between 1995 and 2012, she taught Early Modern Art History at the Academies of Fine Art of Palermo, Macerata, Florence, and Naples. Since 2013, she has been teaching at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, where I she also served as Vice Director and member of the Academic Council from 2013 to 2019. Currently, she is the representative of professors on the Board of Directors and the Head of Doctoral Programs, Masters, and Summer Schools at the Accademia.

She has obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Art History. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani as well as the Illuministi Meridionali Project, the Biblioteca Barocca series, and Lumi of Argo Publisher; she is also a member of the editorial board of the journal “Zeusi. Linguaggi contemporanei di sempre” published by Arte’m. Since 2018, she has served ANVUR as “esperto disciplinare” in the field of Higher Artistic and Musical Education.

She has served as a member of the judging committee for the Joint Doctoral Program between the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the University of Naples Federico II (XXXI cycle) and the Doctoral Program in Art History at Sapienza University of Rome (XXXIII cycle). In addition to her various teaching activities at universities and academies, she has worked in the field of preservation and enhancement of artistic heritage, as a consultant for the Soprintendenza del Ministero per i Beni Culturali, participating in research projects related to churches, museums, historic residences in Rome and Lazio, and the collection of works at the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints of the Central Institute for Graphics.

Her research focuses on various aspects of art from the late sixteenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century, notably on collecting, the relationship between art and the Counter-Reformation, and between art and the history of ideas. She has been invited to deliver lectures and participate in national and international conferences on these topics, as well as organize related events.



Main research expertise

History of collecting, art and Counter-Reformation, art and the history of ideas, archival research, iconographic studies.

Direction or participation in editorial committees and editorial magazines and series

Member of the editorial board for the Biblioteca Barocca series, and Lumi of Argo Publisher; member of the editorial board of the journal: «Zeusi. Linguaggi contemporanei di sempre», Arte’m.

Selected recent publications: monographs

L’arte del dissenso. Pittura e libertinismi nell’Italia del Seicento, PBE, Einaudi, Torino 2016, ISBN: 978-88-06-22649-7; Paolo Falconieri tra scienza e arcadia. Le collezioni di un intellettuale del tardo barocco romano, Campisano Editore, Roma 2012, ISBN: 978-88-98229-00-0.

Selected recents publications: articles in peer-reviewed journals

Il San Giovanni evangelista con Lodovico Tabarino di Gerolamo Bassano: dalla quadreria Ludovisi alla collezione Canova, in “Storia dell’Arte”, 2014, n. 137/138, pp. 69-74, ISSN: 0392-4513; Vivere a Roma alla fine del Seicento. Le dimore di Paolo Falconieri, Pietro Gabrielli, Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna, in “Zeusi”, 2016, 3, pp. 14-21, ISBN: 978-88-569-0544-1.

Selected recents publications: book chapters

Immagini e parole. Il programma iconografico degli affreschi sistini della Vaticana, in La Biblioteca Vaticana tra Riforma Cattolica, crescita della collezioni e nuovo edificio (1535-1590), a cura di M. Ceresa, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2012, pp. 306-332, ISBN: 978-88-210-0896-2.

Gli affreschi sistini: il programma iconografico, in A. Piazzoni, A. Manfredi, D. Frascarelli, A. Zuccari, P. Vian,  La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Jaca Book, Milano 2012), ISBN: 978-88-16-60468-1.

Rubens, l’antico e l’Italia dei filosofi, in Rubens e la cultura italiana, 1600-1608, a cura di R. Morselli e C. Paolini, Roma, Viella, Roma 2020, pp. 199-215, ISBN: 978-88-3313-115-3; Notturno caravaggesco tra naturalismo e allegoria: Le sette opere di Misericordia, in L’archivio di Caravaggio. Scritti in onore di don Sandro Corradini, Etgraphiae, Foligno 2021, pp. 87-99, ISBN: 9788899680343.

Un “Seneca” e l’“Et in Arcadia ego” di Guercino nella quadreria di Antonio Barberini (1608-1671), in I Barberini e l’Europa, a cura di P. Tusor, A. Boccolini, Edizioni Sette Città, Viterbo 2022, pp. 189-200, ISBN: 9788878539716.

“Guardar le stelle”: un sogno femminile tra Roma e Norimberga nella seconda metà del Seicento, in Presenze femminili a Roma nella lunga età moderna, a cura di M. Formica, LuoghInteriori, Città di Castello 2022, pp. 103-110, ISBN: 9788868643867.

“Vender ballotte”: Il Ciarlatano di Bernardino Mei tra naturalismo e satira, in Scritti di donne. 40 studiose per la storia dell’arte, a cura di S. Macioce, Etgraphiae, Foligno 2022, pp. 167-176, ISBN: 978-88-99680-21-3.

Afam institutions’ teaching fellowships

1995/96, Accademia di Belle Arti of Palermo, course of Early Modern Art History; 1996/1997, Accademia di Belle Arti of Macerata, course of Early Modern Art History; 1997/1998, Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence, course of Early Modern Art History; 1998/1999, Accademia di Belle Arti of Macerata, course of Early Modern Art History; 1999/2000 – 2012/2013, Accademia di Belle Arti of Naples, course of Early Modern Art History, Museology and Iconography and Iconology; 2012/2013 to present, Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, course of Early Modern Art History Moderna, History of Fashion, Iconography and Iconology.

Grants and awards

First prize of the category “Arti visive” awarded to the volume: La casa dell’eretico. Arte e cultura nella quadreria romana di Pietro Gabrielli a Palazzo Taverna di Montegiordano, Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, 2004, «Il Paese delle Donne», Roma 2005; Prize: “Creatività Femminile Pavoncella” for l’Impegno e Ricerca nell’ArteVII edition, 2018.

National and/or International competitions won or ranked high

Teaching qualification in Art History for secondary schools (with assignment of a teaching position, followed by resignation due to already being employed at the Accademie Statali di Belle Arti), 21st December 1993, Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione.

Winner of the competitive examination for the position of Associate Professor of Art History, Style, and Costume in the Academies of Fine Arts, 7th April 1992, Ministero per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica.

Achievement of the position of Full Professor, December 2021.

Collaboration or consultancy for foundations, theaters, publishing houses, broadcasting organizations, and artistic and cultural production entities

Member of the Consulta per l’emissione delle carte-valori postali e filatelia (Ministero dello sviluppo economico), as an art historian, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (22/03/2022).

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