Alberto Meda

Professor of Construction Techniques (ICAR/09)
Phd Board

Professor of Bridge Construction Engineering and Supplementary Techniques (ICAR/09) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

His main research topics include the safety of existing buildings even those subject to deterioration, as well as innovative and sustainable systems for tunnel construction.



Coordination of national and international research projects

Research Project: INSIST Miur Ricerca Industriale.

Research Project: PRIN 2017

Direction or participation in editorial committees and editorial magazines and series

Member of the editorial board Tunneling and Underground Space Technology (Elsevier).

Selected recents publications: articles in peer-reviewed journals

Meda A., Rinaldi Z., Spagnuolo S., Eddie C.M. Behaviour of FRC segments with GFRP cage under TBM thrust in presence of GAPs. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, V.107. 2021

Meda A., Rinaldi Z., Spagnuolo S., Grecco R. Full-scale tests on bridge kerbs subjected to horizontal actions. Structural Concrete. Vol. 22. 2021

Di Carlo F., Miano A., Giannetti I., Mele A., Bonano M., Lanari R., Med, A., Prota A. On the integration of multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar interferometry products and historical surveys data for buildings structural monitoring. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 11(5), pp. 1429-1447. 2021

Alves M.H., Constantini G., Ianni A., Kimura E.F.A., Meda A., Piloto P.A. Fire performance of non-load-bearing double-stud light steel frame walls: Experimental tests, numerical simulation, and simplified method. Fire and Materials. 46(1), pp. 227-250. 2022

Di Carlo F., Giannetti I., Romualdi A., Meda A., Rinaldi Z. On the DInSAR technique for the structural monitoring of modern existing bridges. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering. 2022

Talledo D.A., Miano A., Bonano M., Di Carlo, F., Lanari, R., Manunta, M., Meda A. Mele A., Prota A.  Saetta A., Stella A. Satellite radar interferometry: Potential and limitations for structural assessment and monitoring. Journal of Building Engineering. Vol. 46. 2022

Rinaldi Z., Di Carlo F., Spagnuolo S., Meda A. Influence of localised corrosion on the cyclic response of reinforced concrete columns. Engineering Structures. Vol. 256. 2022

Di Carlo F., Meda A., Rinaldi Z. Structural performance of corroded R.C. beams. Engineering Structures. Vol. 274. 2023

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