Laura Bartoni

Associate Professor of Early Modern Art History (L-Art/02)
Phd Board

Laura Bartoni is Associate Professor of Early Modern Art History (L-ART/02) at the international telematic University Uninettuno, where she teaches Medieval and Early Modern Art. She graduated in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (specializing in Art History) from the University of Rome “Sapienza” and obtained the postgraduate diploma (Specializzazione) in Medieval and Early Modern Art in 2003, as well as the PhD from the same university in 2008. Having received a research scholarship form the Department of Art History at Sapienza (July 2009-April 2010), from 2010 to 2019, Dr. Bartoni held the position of Assistant Professor at Uninettuno. She has taken part in university projects at Sapienza and in the PRIN project (2011-2013) “Collectors and Collections in Rome and Italian Courts: A Comparative Investigation from the Founders to Dispersion (fifteenth-eighteenth centuries)”.

Prof. Bartoni has collaborated for several years with the Soprintendenza del Lazio (SPSAE) and the Polo Museale of the city of Rome on research aimed at publications and exhibitions, working also at the Rome office of Dorotheum Auction House of Vienna, specializing in Old Master Paintings (2012-2014). In 2017, she collaborated with M. Gianandrea and M. Annibali on the international project on “Cataloguing and Study of the Historical and Artistic Heritage of the Convent of Santa Sabina on the Aventine Hill in Rome”. Since 2015, she has been collaborating with the Colonna Gallery in Rome.

Her research interests range from the artistic culture of seventeenth-century Rome, social history of art, Roman and Bolognese collecting, to the art market in the seventeenth-century. She has investigated the artistic culture of seventeenth-century Rome, with reference to the economic lives of artists and the different levels of artistic production (Le vie degli artisti. Residenze e botteghe nella Roma barocca dai registri di Sant’Andrea delle Fratte. 1650-1699, Rome 2012). She has also delved into questions pertaining to the theme of artistic migration vis-à-vis settlement strategies and cultural integration of foreign artists, as well as the issue of artists’ residences in Baroque Rome. She has dedicated studies to the topics of patronage and Roman art collecting, with special attention to the collections of the middle class in seventeenth-century Rome. She has thus provided insights concerning prominent figures of that period such as Cardinal Girolamo Farnese (Girolamo “ultimo cardinal Farnese” nella Roma del Seicento in “Storia dell’arte”, 2016). She also published on the display of the Ludovisi Collection in Villa Pinciana in Rome (“Storia dell’arte”, 2022) and is currently conducting a study on the Colonna Collection in the seventeenth century.



Main research expertise

Art in seventeenth-century Rome, social art history, history of collecting, history of seventeenth-century art market.

Selected recent publications: monographs

L. Bartoni, Le vie degli artisti. Residenze e botteghe nella Roma barocca dai registri di Sant’Andrea delle Fratte (1650-1699), ed. Nuova Cultura, Roma 2012.

M. Gianandrea, L. Bartoni, M. Annibali, Il convento di Santa Sabina all’Aventino e il suo patrimonio artistico, Roma 2016 (Campisano Editore).

Selected recents publications: articles in peer-reviewed journals

L. Bartoni, Girolamo “ultimo cardinal Farnese” nella Roma del Seicento. La Villa a Porta San Pancrazio e la sua comittenza artistica attraverso nuovi documenti, in “Storia dell’Arte”, 43-45/2016, pp. 131-158 (Cam Editrice).

L. Bartoni, I santi Domenico, Francesco e Angelo a colloquio nella cappella di San Domenico del convento di Santa Sabina a Roma: iconografia carmelitana in un contesto domenicano, in “Arte Cristiana”, vol. CVI, pp. 258-265. 2018.

L. Bartoni, L’inedito contributo di monsignor Egidio alla collezione Colonna: i dipinti fiamminghi, Rubens e il mercato, in “Rivista d’arte”, 2021.

L. Bartoni, L’allestimento delle collezioni Ludovisi nella Villa pinciana: spazi, criteri, funzioni, in “Storia dell’Arte”, vol. monografico Guercino e il Casino dei Ludovisi (1621-1623), a cura di Benati, Ghelfi, Morselli, 2022.

Selected recents publications: book chapters

L. Bartoni, L’allestimento “prezioso” del Casino Ludovisi nella villa a Porta Pinciana, in A. Amendola, a cura di, Pietre preziose e marmi policromi: il colore nei palazzi romani barocchi, Roma 2017, Edizioni Vaticane, pp. 235-248.

L. Bartoni, Bernini’s neighborhood. Artists’ homes in Seventeenth-century Rome: an analysis of Artiss’ homes in the 17th-century Rome in A. Tacke, T. Schauerte, D. Brenner, a cura di, Künstlerhäuser im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit, Artists’ Homes in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2018, pp. 276-283 (conference proceedings, Nuremberg 11-14 June 2015).

L. Bartoni, La pala di Santa Caterina di Andrea Vaccaro a Gaeta in M, D’Onofrio, M. Gianandrea, a cura di, Gaeta medievale e la sua cattedrale, Roma 2018 (Campisano Editore), pp. 527-538.

L. Bartoni, Immigrazione artistica nella Roma barocca in Roma e gli artisti stranieri. Immigrazione, identità e integrazione artistica dal Cinquecento al Novecento, a cura di Ariane Varela Braga e Thomas-Leo True nella Collana Pensieri Ad Arte, Roma 2018 (Artemide Editore), pp. 53-68.

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