Sofia Laurenti

Art, Archeology, History, Restoration

The research project of PhD student Sofia Laurenti (Gli arredi delle residenze nobiliari romane attraverso gli inventari, 1650-1750 circa: funzione, allestimento e dialogo con i dipinti) aims to analyze the furnishing of Roman noble palaces between approximately 1650 and 1750 through the examination of inventories of goods, with particular reference to the palace’s furnishings. The research focuses on the inventories of the Barberini, Chigi, Colonna, Odescalchi, and Ottoboni collections in order to reconstruct the appearance of the palaces and the role of furniture in the conception of the spaces. The goal is to outline the trends in furnishing taste and, more generally, in display in Rome during the considered chronological period.

Home University/Afam

Università di Roma La Sapienza

Recent Publications (of the last five years)

S. Laurenti, L’allestimento e gli arredi di Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane nel 1644, in Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia, n. 27 (giugno 2023)

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