Roberta Cimmino

Art, Archeology, History, Restoration

The southeastern suburb of Rome is an area particularly rich in archaeological evidence, sometimes perfectly harmonized with the contemporary city, though at other times challenging to interpret or identify. The aim of doctoral candidate Roberta Cimmino’s research project is to create a comprehensive archaeological map, within a GIS environment, of the ancient evidence present in the area of investigation. The purpose is to narrate the settlement evolution of this sector of the Roman Suburb through different phases. This phased narrative will not only contribute to a specialized understanding of the density and settlement patterns in different historical periods but will also serve as a basis for “returning” the city’s past to the community. Embracing the principles of “public archaeology”, the project seeks to involve residents and tourists in the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage in the study area, fostering the emergence of a “heritage community.”

Home University/Afam

Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Università degli Studi della Basilicata


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