Marco Anzalone

Art, Archeology, History, Restoration

The research project of PhD student Marco Anzalone aims to create a data management and querying system for archaeological investigations, whether territorial surveys or not. The project seeks to gather and organize information from excavations, surveys, and research, reordering them according to specific criteria.

This data management platform will consist of three parts:

  • A Web GIS service for territorial data.
  • A single-webpages system for the management of three-dimensional reproductions of monuments and structures.
  • Detailed records of archaeological finds or surveys conducted.

The project is interdisciplinary and involves both Cultural Heritage and information technology sectors. This management tool addresses the needs of digital transition expressed in the guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), with particular reference to point M1C3.1 and Investment 1.1.

The case study will focus on the Salito Valley area in Sicily, which has received limited archaeological investigation. The project also includes a component related to heritage promotion through outreach activities and possible work-oriented educational routes (PCTO) for schools.

Home University/Afam

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Recent Publications (of the last five years)

BRIENZA E., ANZALONE M., ALAIMO D. (2018), Il territorio tra Enna e Morgantina nell’antichità, in DEIDIER R. (a cura di), Kore, la ragazza ineffabile. Un mito tra passato e presente, Donzelli editore, Roma, pp.31-46.

BRIENZA E., ANZALONE M., ZANFAGNA P., The Abu Ghurab landscape. From total station to GIS, in NUZZOLO M.(ed.), The Sun Temple of Niuserra at Abu Ghurab Ten Years of Archaeological Research, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 231-282.

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