Ilaria Brunati

Art, Archeology, History, Restoration

The research project of the doctoral student Ilaria Brunati focuses on the reforms, following the Unification of Italy, that affected the Academies of Fine Arts and other educational institutions in the art historical field (Artistic Circles, Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Societies Promoting the Arts etc.) during the most fervent period on this front of public education. Special attention will be paid to the didactic and social function of the above-mentioned institutions and to the guidance and control bodies within the “Direzione Generale Antichità e Belle Arti” (General Directorate of Antiquities and Fine Arts), starting with the “Giunta per le Belle Arti” (Fine Arts Council). The research is based on the examination of an archival fund, mostly unpublished, preserved in the Archivio Centrale dello Stato, thanks to which it will also be possible to investigate the administrative aspects of all the initiatives of the Ministry of Education in this specific area.

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Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”

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