Fabio Bosco

Art, Archeology, History, Restoration

The project of PhD candidate Fabio Bosco concerns the study of numismatic material found in the complex of the Horrea Agrippiana in Rome during the excavation campaigns started in 2016 and completed in 2019 (on concession of the MiBACT-Parco Archeologico del Colosseo). The hitherto unpublished material includes coins spanning from the first to the sixth century AD. In addition to the coins from the Horrea Agrippiana, the study will involve other numismatic material, both published and unpublished, from neighboring areas of the archaeological complex. Following the initial cleaning, the coins will be catalogued. Conservation and treatment of the artifacts will aim, whenever possible, to enhance their legibility. The ultimate objective of the project is to obtain new data and information concerning the phases of the Horrea Agrippiana complex during the Late Antique period through numismatic evidence. Furthermore, an attempt will also be made to relate the numismatic material and the stratigraphic contexts of all the analyzed sites. 

Home University/Afam

Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Recent Publications (of the last five years)

“Monetazione bronzea di Claudio in Britannia: gli Assi di imitazione con la Minerva” in Falsi e Imitazioni nella Storia: studi archeologici, giuridici, numismatici e storico artistici, Universitalia, Roma 2019.

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